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This page is dedicated to Star Wars Figure Customiser Artists.

A warm welcome to our first featured artists Fern & Lida Stuart of Coruscant Customs (with a little help from Dad).   Creating unique custom Star Wars action figures that represent a lot of the awesome aliens from the Star Wars Universe.  Fern & Lida's favorite alien is the Twi'lek, native to the planet Ryloth.


Fern created her first custom when she was nine years old, around 5 years ago.  Her first memory of customising was a head swap with an Aayla Secura head onto the body of a Battle Dress Padme. 


Lida  created her first custom just a few weeks ago, the Anika figure pictured on their Coruscant Customs site, and can be viewed below. 




Here's some of Fern & Lida's customs:

Bounty Barriss by Fern

This is an original custom nick-named "Bounty Barriss". 


She's just some Mirilan bounty hunter that you might find in one of the underworld cantinas on Coruscant, looking for a job. 


The head is from a TVC Barriss Offee.  The "crown" is part of the belt/skirt from a Clone Wars Aayla Secura.  The body is from a Clone Wars Cad Bane, and the hands are from some random GI-Joe that was in our fodder bin. 

Ita'ira by Fern

This is a female Twi'lek crime lord.

She is a character of our own design.  Her name is Ita'ira, and she is native to the planet Ryloth. 


She was sold into slavery by her own father as a child, but she overthrew her Hutt master and took control of his smuggling and mining operations. 


She is a member of the Black Sun.


Her head is from an EU Cesi Eirriss.  We used the body of a POTF Mara Jade, and arms from the AOTC Barriss Offee. 

The cloak is from a Black Series Luminara Unduli.

Anika by Lida

This is 'Anika', an original character.  She's somewhat of a rebel, with her colored hair and all. 


Her head is a custom resin casting from e-bay.  The body is from a TVC Barriss Offee.  Her belt is from the AOTC Luminara Unduli that was... ahem... beheaded... a while back.  She has highlights in her hair and some stripes on her uniform.

Guard by Fern

This is another original custom. 


This guy is probably a guard for some crime lord somewhere, and probably a member of the Black Sun. 


The head and belt are from and Avatar figure.  The body is from some Clone Wars Anakin.  The staff is from some Gungan guard. 


This was a really simple custom, but it turned out really cool.   

Fern & Lida also have a lot of half-finished customs that aren't quite ready to be photographed yet, keep an look out on their Coruscant Customs site for new custom arrivals. 

If any customisers would like to feature on Customisers Cantina, please contact me.


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