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Figure Customising

I have been an avid Star Wars action figure collector from childhood into adulthood.  Collecting figures is enjoyable and ownership is a tactile interaction satisfaction.  I wanted to become more interactive with my figures.  I'll continue to collect figures, however,  I began to read, network, attain materials, paints, tools and most importantly fodder.


After amassing the bits and bobs, the final step is inspiration, an unreleased character, such as Darth Daddy's Kanan Jarrus Stormtrooper Sergeant from Rebels Season 2, or imagination, such as Darth Daddy's Jedi General Pong Krell 


I am still learning much of the customising principles myself, I find it relaxing, thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding and would recommend to anyone.

On this page I hope to share with you phases of an action figures customisation from fodder to a new completed figure.  



So, let's begin....


Firstly, I was rooting through my fodder box and found an armless, headless Pintel figure from Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl.  Obviously this was not a Star Wars figure, but it was going to become one.  I found a couple of arms and got started, here's the pictures:

Here you can see the head I intended to use for the finished figure.  This was a Gamorrean Guard head bought as part of fodder. He had been on a losing battle with a craft knife,  he had no tusks, horns and most of his head and lower jaw was missing.  I had earlier sculpted in a few stages a Pilot's helmet, sympathetic to his tusks and horns I incorporated these symbols into the final shape.

Secondly, I got to work applying layers of Milliput Yellow/Grey two part epoxy putty to the figures body.  This was to flesh out the features I ultimately desired and to move away from donor's origins.


Here's some pictures of this stage: 

You can see the the figures shape has changed following the application of epoxy putty.  This is very much in a raw state and will need to cure overnight to harden properly before moving on to further steps which will involve manipulating the shape through cutting, filling and sanding.


The next stage was to employ some of the desired shapes and textures, additional epoxy putty to accomplish further details, marking out colouring or texture areas with a Sharpie and using files or craft knife for scoring his vest.

My final process was to apply several layers of paint to achieve the look I desired, then fitting the head.  Following this I applied Rebel insignia waterslide decals from Bad Mother Customs to helmet and shoulders.  These were then varnished over with gloss and finally sprayed with matt clear varnish.  I like the spray for finishing, this removes unwanted gloss finish, protects and seals paintwork and the spray is finer than brushing.


Here's the completed figure, prior to framing with Picmonkey (see photography page for more details) and following with edited frames:

Gamorrean Rebel Pilot, Reporting for duty..


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